2114 Creighton Rd.

Pensacola, FL 32504


(850) 696-4000

2114 Creighton Rd.

Pensacola, FL 32504


(850) 696-4000


Woodlands Weight Loss Management
New Address:
2114 Creighton Road,
Pensacola FL 32504


About the Center for Weight Loss Management 

Woodlands Weight Loss Management is a full service medically supervised weight loss practice located in Pensacola, Florida.

Our mission is to help patients improve their health by achieving and maintaining their goal body weight. We do this through a comprehensive plan of nutrition, exercise, education, behavioral counseling, and medication.
We are a division of Woodlands Medical Specialists.


Our new address:

2114 Creighton Road, Pensacola FL 32504


About the Center for Weight Loss Management 

Woodlands Weight Loss Management is a full service medically supervised weight loss practice located in Pensacola, Florida.

Our mission is to help patients improve their health by achieving and maintaining their goal body weight. We do this through a comprehensive plan of nutrition, exercise, education, behavioral counseling, and medication.
We are a division of Woodlands Medical Specialists.

“At Woodlands, we think of wellness as pursuing your optimal physical, mental, and spiritual health. Every individual will measure each of these areas in a unique fashion, which requires us to develop an individual treatment plan with each patient.”

Mark M. Ryan MD

Medical Director

Why Choose Woodlands Weight Center?


All patients in our program undergo laboratory, cardiac, and metabolic testing to ensure your individual weight loss plan is safe. Our providers are licensed nurse practitioners supervised by a board certified internist.

Covered by Insurance 

Medicare and most commercial insurance plans offer that include weight loss management without any co-pay, deductible. If your plan does not offer “wellness benefits”, you will pay the same amount as when you see your primary care physician

Clinically Proven 

We use a program that is clinically proven in the American Journal of Medicine with an average of 11.1% excess weight loss at 12 weeks.

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